Describing the properties of my material
For this assignment I will discuss the following properties for every material:
Sensorial (what do you perceive with your senses)
Interpretative (how do you interpret this/what do you associate with it)
Emotional (what does it elicit/attribute meaning to it)
Performative (what happens when interacting with it)
Unfortunately I wasn't with anyone at home this week so I had just myself to answer these questions. Later on I got the feedback that I've forgotten to fill in the technical properties of the material and I've already thrown away my plastics because they smell bad, but I still filled them in based on my memory and assumptions.
Sensorial ( what do you perceive with your senses) It feels soggy, moist and kind of wet, it doesn't feel to nice. It does smell very naturally, the smell doesn't disturb me at all. The flowers and leaves inside the material look very alive. Interpretative (how do you interpret this/what do you associate with it) I associate it to a pond because it looks like the tulip and leaves are underneath foggy water. It also kind of reminds me of Holland because of the tulips, although tulips are actually originally from Turkey. Emotional (what does it elicit/attribute meaning to it) It makes me feel like I'm under water and getting in touch with nature. I don't really like touching it but I do like the vibe that comes off it when looking at it. Performative (what happens when interacting with it) When interacting with it it feels like you're touching something jelly, it's very flexible. I cant really pull it apart because it will rip.
Based on memory and assumptions because I've thrown them away already when I've gotten the feedback that I'd forgot to hand in the technical properties sheet:
Technical properties
Fire resistance
UV resistance
Weather resistance
Scratch resistance
Chemical resistance
Sensorial ( what do you perceive with your senses) I kind of want to rub it because the bubbles between the materials and my nails give a satisfying feeling. It also feels good when I'm folding it. It looks pleasing to the eye. Interpretative (how do you interpret this/what do you associate with it) I interpretative it as a small painting or something I would put my soap on because of the bubbles. Something decorative. Emotional (what does it elicit/attribute meaning to it) It makes me curious, looking at it makes me wonder what it can do. I like the effect it has when the sun shines through the bubbles. Performative (what happens when interacting with it) I want to see the bubbles up close and pop them, I want to take out the little needle branch that is in it.
Based on memory and assumptions because I've thrown them away already when I've gotten the feedback that I'd forgot to hand in the technical properties sheet:
Technical properties
Fire resistance
UV resistance
Weather resistance
Scratch resistance
Chemical resistance
Sensorial ( what do you perceive with your senses) I really like the color of it, it is very natural-like and the bubbles inside of it too. It's very rigid and firm. I like the way it feels and behaves, it feels like good, durable quality. Interpretative (how do you interpret this/what do you associate with it) I would guess that is is something sharp if I didn't touch it, thinking it would be glass. The shape looks like a butterfly. Emotional (what does it elicit/attribute meaning to it) It makes me very satisfied because the material feels like it would last a good while and can handle a lot. Durable things make me happy. Performative (what happens when interacting with it) When interacting with it I want to see a bigger piece, to see if it would still behave the same. I like the noise that comes from it when I'm touching it with my nails.
Based on memory and assumptions because I've thrown them away already when I've gotten the feedback that I'd forgot to hand in the technical properties sheet:
Technical properties
Fire resistance
UV resistance
Weather resistance
Scratch resistance
Chemical resistance
Sensorial ( what do you perceive with your senses) It smells really bad, I couldn't stand having this in my house all day. Touching the foam feels very welcoming, it's soft and feels very nice. Interpretative (how do you interpret this/what do you associate with it) Something that can isolate sound like they have in music studios. I also associate it with jelly desserts. Emotional (what does it elicit/attribute meaning to it) The green inside the yellow is mold I think, that makes me feel disgust. When interacting with it I actually don't want to interact with it because it doesn't feel nice at all. Because of the smell and the mold inside. Performative (what happens when interacting with it) When interacting with it it moves how I want it to move because it is very flexible. It feels like it is very strong and could hold heavy pieces.
Based on memory and assumptions because I've thrown them away already when I've gotten the feedback that I'd forgot to hand in the technical properties sheet:
Technical properties
Fire resistance
UV resistance
Weather resistance
Scratch resistance
Bit heavy
Chemical resistance
Sensorial ( what do you perceive with your senses) It is strong and glossy. There's no way I could make even a scratch into this material with my nails. I could only rip it with a pair of scissors. Interpretative (how do you interpret this/what do you associate with it) It looks a bit like latex because of the gloss and the way it behaves, it is also a bit sticky. This would be good for some kind of case to protect something with it or maybe even a skirt. Emotional (what does it elicit/attribute meaning to it) It makes me kind of happy to see how strong it is. The way it shines looks very appealing to me as well. I like this gelatine foam more than number 4. Performative (what happens when interacting with it) It is very flexible and strong, I couldn't break it. When rolling it in a certain way it kind of stays the way you rolled it.
Based on memory and assumptions because I've thrown them away already when I've gotten the feedback that I'd forgot to hand in the technical properties sheet:
Technical properties
Fire resistance
UV resistance
Weather resistance
Scratch resistance
Chemical resistance
Sensorial ( what do you perceive with your senses) It smells very nice like sweet honey. The upper side where the dried fruits are feels like a rough texture. It feels very heavy compared to the other ones. Interpretative (how do you interpret this/what do you associate with it) It looks like some path that you see in fantasy movies in the woods. It looks kind of fantasy like. It also reminds me of my breakfast because of the smell and the things inside. Emotional (what does it elicit/attribute meaning to it) It makes me feel like I am in the woods or like i'm touching my morning ritual. Performative (what happens when interacting with it) I cant really bend it because it would break. I could put heavy stuff on it because it is strong when it is put on a flat base. It's between fragile and firm. Sometimes the dried fruits fall off the material because some of them are not deep inside the material.
Based on memory and assumptions because I've thrown them away already when I've gotten the feedback that I'd forgot to hand in the technical properties sheet:
Technical properties
Fire resistance
UV resistance
Weather resistance
Scratch resistance
Chemical resistance