This week we had to make a zine page with our personal design manifesto.
My responsibilities as a designer
As a designer I am responsible for the things I want to happen during the use of my design.
I am responsible for the materials that will be used during the design process and the damage it costs for the environment, society and the user.
The danger of being a designer is that your design might won’t be interpreted the way it should. This means that the design is used for a different purposes. These purposes don’t fit with the designers idea of what should happen during the use of the design. If this happens, I find that the designer is not responsible for the damage or the good that occurs to the environment, the society and the user it self.
The designer can prevent this change in behaviour from the user of the design from happening by testing the design with the user. The designer can improve his design by making changes in the design based on the results of the tests. So the design won’t be interpreted in a different way.