Use this week to execute your first experiments. Make sure you know WHY you're doing them. What do you want to find out with this first probe?
Because of my interest in bioplastics, and the will to make the COVID-19 situation more bearable, I am going to focus on a bioplastic product to battle COVID-19.
From my personal work experience, I come in touch with a lot of elderly people. I've worked as a household support in Amsterdam for elderly and handicapped residents of Amsterdam. I also worked as taxi driver for RMC Amsterdam, a public transport taxi service for the elderly and handicapped.
I still have contact with some old clients, and I know their fear and inconviences during these trying times. That's why I decided to imply my bioplastics solution in this field.
I called my contacts and asked them about the problems and inconvienences they are facing at the moment. I combined their input in a word cloud:
Now that I've looked into the problem and spoke with my target group, I am going decide what direction I am heading for my project. Because a lot of my clients depent on transport, but they are too scared to travel at this time, I want to create a solution that eases this specific problem.
To come up with new ideas for the transport problem, I did a brainstorm session.
I came up with some fun ideas, but most of them are very hard to make in the current situation. That's why I decided to make a bioplastic screen for in cars. This screen blocks vapour dispersed by breathing, coughing and sneezing. The screen guarantees the clean air and safety for the driver and passenger of the car/taxi. The screen needs te be cleanable, otherwise the goal of the screen is overlooked. I have to take this in consideration when I am going to select the material of the screen.