Enter the void (2009)
Hoe kunnen we op een fijne manier 1,5 meter afstand houden?
Sterft de menscheid uit wanneer dit kleed (gedachtegoed) voor altijd gebruikt zal worden?
Blijft de liefde? (in een 1,5 meter samenleving.
Will love survive?
The 15th of March 2020 has been the starting point of an new era. This specific Sunday the Dutch Government has announced strict measurements because of the COVID-19 outbreak. One of them being the introduction of the 1,5 meter economy/society. An measurement with lots of negative economic effects, but arguably even worse… the human effects. The Dutch Government has imposed to treat our loved ones like a business relationship1. We are not able to chose our own personal space, but need rules to follow for these. The date kleed (working title) will provide pleasant way of preventing the spread of the virus, without any need of striking tape, fines or police watching you. Effects like ‘Huid honger’ are serious symptoms we need to watch. We hope to contribute to the human connection for human in a safe way.
1: Sociaal – 120 – 200 cm – Gesprekken met onbekenden of zakelijke relaties (https://www.omgevingspsycholoog.nl/persoonlijke-ruimte/)