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According to it is important to consider the price, function and space if you want to buy fitness equipment.
Their top 10 consists of (price included according to Amazon and a small description):
Indoor rowing machine (€500). Rowing machine for cardio and condition exercises. Gyms and rehabilitation care.
TRX bodyweight trainer (€50 - €105). Long strap with two handles that you can mount on the ceiling or stand on, most often used when training chest or upper leg. Gyms and rehabilitation care.
Power tower pull up station (€240). A "tower" with which you pull yourself up from your arms, mainly used for upper body training. Gyms.
Resistance bands (starting from €20). Elastic bands with different resistance force, used for training legs and feet. Gyms and rehabilitation care.
Spinning bike (€500). Mostly for exercising cardio and stamina. Gyms and rehabilitation care.
Wall mount cable station (€900). A tower with weights and two cables with grips, while pulling the cables the weights will come up. Used for upper body exercises. Gyms
StrengthTech EXM2500S (€2500). A fitness machine that you sit on and lift weights from your arms, mostly used for arms and chest exercises. Gyms.
Bosu balance cushion (starting from €75). A round balance cushion with which you can train your whole body, also recommended for injury prevention and used both in private and rehabilitation. Gyms and rehabilitation care.
Treadmill (€1100). Treadmill where you can walk and run on, used for stamina. Gyms and rehabilitation care.
Fitness equipment is expensive and especially if only used during a lockdown. The most interesting thing to focus on is the balance cushion because the use is focused on your whole body and it is used both privately and in rehabilitation. In my current physiotherapy treatment we also often use a balance cushion and in the past she has also recommended that I do exercises at home by purchasing one or using a different pillow, but that is not the same. When I think about how I could recreate this list of equipment with bioplastics, most things related to weights fall off because it is difficult to make bioplastic heavy. To put it in an exaggerated way, you may need a 50 cubic centimeter to have 1 kilo of weight.
I've tried to do research in bioplastic work out equipment but as far as searched i couldn't find any. This is a big insight because I could be the first one that could create one.
If i focus on a balance cushion the next step would be to experiment with bioplastics in what composition at the same time is firm and squishy. If i found the right composition then I will focus on how other can recreate it.