Landscapes for Warhammer - Dusanka Prvulovic
Redesigning Warhammer landscapes from a sustainable DIY perspective.
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Redesigning Warhammer landscapes from a sustainable DIY perspective.
Last updated
It’s brought chaos to the kitchen tables for over 30 years. If you’re remotely interested in strategy gaming, you’ve probably heard of Warhammer. Players collect forces of miniature plastic models and use them to play out on a tabletop battlefield. The tabletop can be made by players themselves with help from several how-to and DIY videos that can be found online but also in books. Players spend hours building and painting their miniatures, a process that requires patience, money, dedication and, sometimes, considerable artistic skill. During this process of building, many products that are used, are environmentally unfriendly.
The most commonly used chemical products to make the landscapes with are, epoxy, plastic, Styrofoam and paint. During my studies at the minor Makers Lab, I have redesigned a Warhammer landscape from a DIY sustainable perspective. My goal with this project is to influence the Warhammer community to replace the chemical products that are used today, so that Warhammer will be a more sustainable hobby.
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I am Dusanka Prvulovic, a 22-year old student at the HvA, following the minor Makers Lab in my 3rd year of CMD. I choose this minor because I am interested in creating more with my hands instead of just digital. I'd like to create a better and more sustainable environment with any of my projects. The Bioplastic Landscape for Warhammer is a redesigned landscape from a sustainable DIY perspective. By sharing my knowledge that I have learned during my studies (minor Makers Lab, I hope to achieve that the Warhammer community is going to replace certain environmentally unfriendly products with more friendly ones.