Week 11 - Project kickoff
Project brief
I Found it enjoyable and interesting to work on:
a. Bioplastics c. Material design (changing properties) e. 3D modeling and printing f. Mould making
2. From the 3 themees, I'm most interesting in:
b. material activism & archiving
3. I explored the resources and will work on...
Puzzles and games made for the elderly and lonely people at these trying times. I want those games and puzzles to be made of bioplastics, so it's environment friendly and easy to produce. Some parts of these puzzles could be DIY recipes for them to make themselves.
4. I want to contribute by...
Make a games and puzzles (and maybe other household necisisties) and distribute them to elderly people. I also want to create a book or website where they can discover new DIY recipes for bioplastics and applications.
5. This is relavant because... During the corona crisis, there a lot of lonely and sick people who can not be visited by their children, family or friends. I want to entertain them and to let them know we think about them. In addition, because I use bioplastics, it is environment friendly and durable.
6. My first experiment will be... I want to design a grocery-money exchange device. I do groceries for two of my old clients and transferring the groceries and money is always an issue. Maybe I can design a grocerybag holder that has a money tray, so they can deposit money for the groceries that I can collect. When I'm done and return their groceries to them, I can hang the shopping bag in a safe manner on their door/window.
7. Things I will need..
Fusion 360
3D printer
Other natural ingredients for color/texture
8. Lead times of locar suppliers
Pitch presentation
Last updated