Zine: Social issues

Make a connection between the texts, the presented design cases and the following word: Social issues

Explanation of the zine

Zine page week 7, written by: Duncan van Norden

  • Can you think of alternative material resources or streams in and around your house that could be useful for this assignment? Think of materials from nature/environment or streams that would otherwise be classified as waste.

Answer: Blood

Blood Related, Basse Stittgen, p. 113, Why Materials Matter

Nr. 2 Moet nog gedaan worden!

During the tutorial I will explain the method in detail. The basic four steps of the method are:

  • 1. Understanding the material

  • 2. Creating material's vision

  • 3. Manifesting material's experience patterns

  • 4. Designing material/product concepts

Please try to identify the four steps of the method in the case studies:

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