11 | Projects Kick-Off

Choosing a project and explaining my idea

Project brief

  1. I Found it enjoyable and interesting to work on:

a. Bioplastics c. Material design (changing properties) e. 3D modeling and printing f. Mould making

2. From the 3 themees, I'm most interesting in:

a. Material Activism & Archiving

3. I explored the resources and will work on...

Designing a boardgame that is 100% made out of biodegradable materials. Because it's a bord game it has a lot of different elements and that's why I can try a lot of different recipes and really learn about bioplastics and get a hold of them. I'm curious to see which materials suit best for every part of the board game and try a lot of different recipes.

4. I want to contribute by...

Do a lot of different experiments and test them and weigh them up to each other, which material suits best for which part of the game? Does the dice made out of eggshells break easily? And is the dice made out of coffee grounds more suitable? I would like to experience what feels best in my hands and what is durable. Since it's a boardgame it has to have an infinite expiration date.

5. This is relavant because... Because I will do so many experiments for different elements that need different characteristics (hard, soft, glossy, non-glossy, etc), I will gain a lot of knowledge about bioplastics, which will be good for the community. Besides making something that is made out of biodegradable materials I would also teach people about bioplastics or sustainability to create awareness in a playful manner for young and old.

6. My first experiment will be... Designing the board itself. I think when the board is created I have a good base and I can let my creativity flow from there. I'll be experimenting for exploring good surfaces of a board game. What is durable? Where can I throw a dice on? What can take a hit? What looks like a good base for any landscape that I want to create for the game?

7. List of tools I need to get...







Soil (nature)

Flour (home)

Fruits (compost)

Sawdust (Gamma)

Moss (nature)

Coffee grounds (home)

Water (tap)

Water (home)

Vegetables (compost)

Dextrin (Pharmacy)

Stones (nature)

Alginate (internet?)

Sugar (home)

Water (tap)

65x65 mould (Bulky waste)

Leaves (nature)

Glycerol (home)

4x4 cm moulds (Bulky waste)

Branches (nature)

Agar (home)

8. Lead times of local suppliers (contacted): Home, Gamma, compost, nature, bulky waste, pharmacy


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