Week 12 - 13
First experiment
Last updated
First experiment
Last updated
For this week started making my website, looked at 3 different recipes and tried to make two colors.
I boiled some water and added hibiscus tea leaves. I let the leaves boil for a moment and let the pigment color the water. After that I removed the leaves and poured the water in jars.
48gr Gelatine
48gr Glycerine
240ml red hibiscus tea water
1. Warm up the water in a pot on your stove (the water is already dyed because we are planning to use only one color).
2. Add your plasticizer, the Glycerine will bond with the gelatin, the polymer in this case the glycine is a very high amount, this gives the needed elasticity to your bio silicone.
3. Add the Gelatine, your polymer.
4. Mix gently the ingredients until they form a smooth mix.
5. Simmer for 15-20 minutes (86C max).
6. Prepare you’re the surfaces and moulds to be filled.
7. Once your mixture has thickened, almost like a syrup, pour on your chosen surface. Once you start pouring try to cast slowly without inglobating air, and by carefully pouring on the liquid itself.
8. Let the mold dry in a ventilated and dry room, turning your piece until it’s dry will help you preventing mould formation, but might affect deformation due to water loss.
By making the bio silicone I did some things wrong. I didn't wait until the mixture thickened and directly poured the mixture in the moulds. And when the bioplastic had hardend, I found that the color was orange instead of red.
48gr Gelatine
8gr Glycerine
240ml red Hibiscus tea water
Tablespoon soap
1. Warm up the water in a pot on your stove (the water is already dyed because we are planning to use only one color).
2. Add your plasticizer, the Glycerine will bond with the Gelatine, the polymer.
3. Add the Gelatine, your polymer.
4. Mix gently the ingredients until they form a smooth mix.
5. Add a tablespoon of dishwashing soap to the mixture.
6. Boil for 15-20 minutes (86C max) whisking constantly.
7. Prepare you’re the surfaces and moulds to be filled.
8. Once your mixture has thickened, almost like a syrup, pour on your chosen surface. Once you start pouring, try to cast slowly, without inglobating air, and by carefully pouring on the liquid itself.
9. Let the mould dry in a ventilated and dry room, turning your piece until it’s dry will help you preventing mould formation, but might affect deformation due to water loss.
By making the bio foam I did some things wrong. I didn't wait until the mixture thickened. And when I poured the mixture in the moulds, I first scouped out the foam layer and than poured the rest of the mixture in the moulds. I should have wisked the entire mixture to foam and poured that. What I don't understand is why the mixture is red but the foam isn't.
I started to play with the bio silicone recipe and I wanted to adjust the glycerine and found out that that is the bio resin recipe.
48gr Gelatine
8gr Glycerine
240ml red hibiscus tea water
1. Warm up the water in a pot on your stove (the water is already dyed because we are planning to use only one color).
2. Add your plasticizer, the Glycerine will bond with the gelatin, the polymer.
3. Add the Gelatine, your polymer.
4. Mix gently the ingredients until they form a smooth mix.
5. Simmer for 15-20 minutes (86C max).
6. Prepare you’re the surfaces and moulds to be filled.
7. Once your mixture has thickened, almost like a syrup, pour on your chosen surface. Once you start pouring try to cast slowly without inglobating air, and by carefully pouring on the liquid itself.
8. Let the mold dry in a ventilated and dry room, turning your piece until it’s dry will help you preventing mould formation, but might affect deformation due to water loss.
By making the bio resin I waited until the mixture had thickened (about 10 minutes) and then poured the mixture in the moulds. And when the bioplastic had hardend, I found that the color was orange instead of red.
I tested out three recipes with the same color and decided to move on with the bio resin. I choose this because it contains less gelatin, so it is firmer, and because it does not shrink very much. I did not choose the Bio Foam, because the foam was only on the top and it did not get any color.
I wanted to know what the natural color was of the recipe bio resin so I made an batch with no pigment. It turned out to be a little yellow.
I boiled some water and added one teaspoon of turmeric (kurkuma). I let the pigment boil for a moment and let it color the water. After that, I poured the colored water in jars and used it in the recipe. It turned out to be a bit more orange.
Because I want to make colors out of natural elements I went looking for flowers in my neighbourhood. Later I deattached te leaves from the flowers and put them in a bag to dry. I also layed them out in the sun. If the leaves are dry I going to put them in water to let them color the water. I also searched online for natural pigments and wrote them down.
For green, I boiled some water and added grass. I let the grass boil for a moment and let the pigment color the water. After that I removed the grass and poured the water in jars.