Week 8: Untoolkit (Outputs)
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Build an electronic circuit with at least one input (made by you!) and one actuator. Bonus assignment connecting your input with Processing
Program a microcontroller in the Arduino IDE to control your actuator with the input
Design an output swatch of 10x10cm that is archive worthy. How can you make hardware look interesting/appealing/evocative? Use all the techniques you learned in previous weeks.
Document the design, building, debugging and working results step by step
I have tought multiple times: "I truly don't know how to start." I've experienced this "Zoom"-lessons as a bath in which the soaked me. To get used to all this terminology. I found it very difficult to make good sense out of all of this information. It is "over time" now, but I am sure I am able to say at the end of the school year whole most of this works.