11 - Project proposal week
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This week we had to choose a project that fits our interests. Before we had to make a decision we had a brainstorm meeting with all the students. We had to come up with all sorts of ideas that fit with the projects subjects.
First we had to sketch our room and tell what was in it:
This was for us to think about our surroundings and the stuff we use.
Next steps were idea generation with the group or with a students. Here you see some outcomes:
Finally I made my decision and wanted to continue with theme 2: Material Activisim & Archiving. If Corona was not there I would have combined this project with a smart project which I coulf develop with laser printers, 3D printers, etc. But now I will focus on a problem which is not really famous. Platic clothing bags in the fashion industry.
Presentation about my Project proposal:
Presentation proposal in text:
I found it enjoyable and interesting working with Bioplastics, Material Design and 3D modelling and printing.
From the 3 themes, I’m most interested in: Material Activism and Archiving.
I explored the resources and will work on Agar Alginate / Gelatine based plastic bags and food/fruit leather bags.
I want to contribute by researching how I can eco friendly mass produce the working bio recipe for plastic clothing bags. I also want it to make easier for people to find, share and respond to people their open source recipes by designing a bio plastic material archiving app.
This is relevant because right now the fashion industrie uses plastic bags for every clothing piece they ship out of the factory, storage and store. The plastic bags have no further use than protecting the clothing piece while its being shipped in a box to its next location. The plastic bags will be thrown away after the clothes have been unpacked. I think we can achieve a lot by replacing the normal plastic clothing bags for bioplastic clothing bags. With the app w can open source document everything, so everyone has access to de recipes and molds.
My first experiment will be to make functional molds of plastic bags with clay and then test my first Agar recipe.
List of tools and materials I need to get:
Agar Agar
Example plastic clothing bags
Sunflower oil
Sodium Chloride hydrate
Lead times of local suppliers:
Holland and Berret Glycerine bottles and Agar Agar powder
Albert Heijn Gelatine
Pipoos Clay
Albert Heijn Sunflower oil
Van Beek Art Alginate powder
Apotheek Sodium Chloride Hydrate / Natriumchloride hydraat