Project overview
Self-initiated projects from Minor Makers Lab: Making as Research 2020 (the COVID-19 semester)
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Self-initiated projects from Minor Makers Lab: Making as Research 2020 (the COVID-19 semester)
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To adapt to remote teaching in extraordinary times, our course on making as research had to be reimagined almost overnight. We arrive at the end of a semester that asked us all to reflectively engage with the conditions that make making as we know it possible. Repeatedly hitting our heads against our often invisible reliance on facilities and supply chains has been a struggle and a blessing, but seeing their interdependencies more clearly certainly encouraged us to take a radical turn in terms of the materials we choose to work with as makers. We experimented with bio-based materials and learned to embrace the fact that we would not be exerting the kind of control we are used to having over materials we know and work with when we use industrial machines. Limitations turned into openings and vice versa as we were practically confronted with the ways tools and staple materials inform what we can imagine.
Students engaged in self-directed projects from home, making do with the limited tools and materials at hand. From their kitchens, gardens and bedrooms, they engaged with challenges around the lived realities of the COVID-19 crisis, often combined with a strong sense of homebrew material activism. During this year’s expo, students will present projects on topics of RIVM regulations, fashion, dating, packaging, exercise, biomaterials and DIY maker cultures.
Ephemeral exercise gear to support rehabilitation exercises during lockdown.
Student: Andrei Motian (CMD)
Coach: Marjolijn Ruyg
Tags: exercise, quarantaine, bioplastics
Student: Dusanka Prvulovic (CMD)
Coach: Marjolijn Ruyg
Tags: Warhammer, kitbashing, bioplastics
Back to the basics of "light writing", using DIY analog, bioplastic photofilters.
Student: Daniël van Kesteren (CO/CB)
Coach: Marjolijn Ruyg
Tags: photography, biofabricating, filters
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Towards hyperdisposable sporks: beyond the promise of biodegradable plastic.
Student: Anoush Mazloumian (CMD)
Coach: Yuri Westplat
Tags: biofabricating, material activism
Reframing hygiene tactics and accessible maker culture through a DIY lens.
Student: Summer Danoe (CMD)
Coach: Yuri Westplat
Tags: COVID-19, personal devices, DIY
In search of a lightweight, compostable bioplastic to protect fragile goods.
Student: Laura Velgersdijk (PD)
Coach: Yuri Westplat
Tags: biofabricating, material activism
A tactile material experience to support changing embodied social habits.
Student: Duncan van Norden (AMFI)
Coach: Marjolijn Ruyg
Tags: social distancing, dating, materials
One size-fits-all facemasks revisited: from universal to personal fit.
Student: Kaz Bison (CMD)
Coach: Yuri Westplat
Tags: COVID-19, PPE, DIY, personal fit
Rethinking disposable packaging for the transportation of garments.
Student: Kim Sinke (CMD)
Coach: Yuri Westplat
Tags: biofabricating, material activism
Seeking alternatives for the diminishing material supplies used for personal protection equipment (PPE).
Student: Thijs Uffen (CMD)
Coach: Yuri Westplat
Tags: COVID-19, faceguards, bioplastics
Creating a rainbow of color for bioplastics, using natural, accessible ingredients only.
Student: Desiree van Dam (CMD)
Coach: Marjolijn Ruyg
Tags: biofabricating, natural pigments
Being yourself does not have to be in a human form.
Student: Britt de Heer (AMFI)
Coach: Marjolijn Ruyg
Tags: body accessories, biofabricating