Project Page Biodegradable Packaging Bags
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Do you love receiving your online order as much as I do? I always wait for my online order in full excitement and when it arrives I only have eyes for the product I ordered, not for the packaging materials. I can’t even remember how the last packaging materials I got looked like and how I threw them away.
Is that packaging even necessary you might think? Well it is, without the plastic packaging bag your freshly received product could not be looking so fresh and brand new. But what can we do with this useless piece of plastic? Make it biologically absorbable and reusable!
In the past ten weeks I’ve been researching the perfect recipe to make biodegradable and reusable ‘plastic’ packaging bags. The result is an Agar Agar based transparant and sealable packaging bag that can be home-composted.
In the Research Zine you will find my research and inspiration.
You can view my Research zine about the Bioplastic packaging bag on ISSUU (See link below).
My name is Kim Sinke. I am a 21-years old student at the University Of Applied Siences Amsterdam. In my 3rd year as a Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD) student I'm following the minor Makers Lab. During this minor I wanted to learn more about different materials and about the making process of products. During this minor I learned that there are more sustainable ways to make or remake products.
With this project I want to show people that there are sustainable and earth loving ways to produce products and that there is more than dirty plastic.